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Miguel I. Aristondo


This article analyzes narratives about the first circumnavigation of the world by focusing on chronicles published between 1585 and 1601. The first part shows how at the end of the 16th century visual and literary references to the Nao Victoria emphasized the rupture between antiquity and the modern time. The second part examines how Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas’ Historia General… (1601) entangled histories about the first circumnavigation with other events at the beginning of the third decade. The article shows how chronicles reshaped the categories of past, present, and future by placing at the center the experience of circumnavigation in the present time. By analyzing the tension between space of experience and horizon of expectation, I argue that late 16th century chronicles narrated the first circumnavigation of the world as a present time emancipatory experience in rupture with the past.


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Aristondo, M. I. (2020). HOMOGENIZING THE PRESENT: GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND HISTORICAL TIME IN CHRONICLES OF THE FIRST CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE WORLD (1585-1601. Magallania, 45–59. Retrieved from https://magallania.cl/index.php/magallania/article/view/1253


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