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Clayton Mccarl


This article analyzes the map of the Strait of Magellan and the surrounding area (the “Región Austral Magallánica”) that Francisco de Seyxas y Lovera (c.1646-c.1705) added to the  “Taboas geraes da toda a navegacão” (1630), a manuscript atlas by Portuguese cartographer João Teixeira Albernaz I. I review briefly the  biography of  Seyxas up  to  1692, the  year  in  which he  remitted  the atlas to Charles II  in  his  Council of  Indies, and  the  cartographic tradition related to  the  area in the years preceding the drawing of Seyxas’s map. I then examine in particular three unique aspects of the map: the eponymous Islands of Seyxas, the Strait of La Roche, and two  alleged English settlements. Lastly, I propose a reading that permits us to understand the map not onlyas an aberrant episode in the cartographic representation of the region, but also as a reflection of the political, autobiographical and imaginative discourses that characterize Seyxas’s larger body of written work.


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