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Guadalupe Romero Villanueva
Agustina Rughini
Jimena Paiva
Raven Garvey
Agustina Brera
Clara Sanchez Póo
Karen Borrazzo
Cecilia Frigóle
Alejandra Gasco
Carina Llano
M. Victoria Fernández
Ruth Magliolo
Ramiro Barberena


A new corpus of archaeological and chronological information is presented as a result of the excavation of Cueva Yagui site (northern Neuquén, northwestern Patagonia, Argentina), with an occupational sequence beginning at least at 8,500 calendar years ago. A preliminary chrono-stratigraphic analysis allowed to distinguish two diachronic pulses in the occupational history, respectively linked to the middle and late Holocene, and associated with different material discard rates (lithic, ceramic, faunal, botanical) and rock art production. The results obtained suggest that the site and its surroundings were occupied more intensively than adjacent sectors with contrasting biogeographic properties, thus playing a key role in the strategic articulation of different environments and resources typical of Andean-Patagonian landscapes. This new information allows expanding the temporal depth regarding the central role that intermediate altitudinal spaces played for human spatial organization in relation to the biogeographic structure of the landscape of northern Neuquén during the Holocene.


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Romero Villanueva, G., Rughini, A., Paiva, J., Garvey, R., Brera, A., Sanchez Póo, C., … Barberena, R. (2022). OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY AND HUMAN SPATIAL ORGANIZATION IN NORTHWESTERN PATAGONIA: INSIGHTS FROM CUEVA YAGUI (NORTHERN NEUQUÉN PROVINCE, ARGENTINA). Magallania, 50. https://doi.org/10.22352/MAGALLANIA202250012


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